Thursday, 14 July 2016

How to make double crochet stitch

Double crochet (dc)

Double crochet is one of the popular and best stitch .It is about twice the height of the single crochet.

• The first step is to make the foundation chain.Make 2 more chains more than the number of double crochet chains. Skip the first 3 chains which is termed as turning chain.

  • Yarn over the hook once,insert the hook from front to back in the center of the 4th chain from the hook.
  • Yarn over draw the yarn through the chain i.e. through all the 3 loops on the hook.
  • Yarn over,draw the yarn through 2 loops remaining on the hook.
  •  Yarn over,insert hook in the center of the next chain, yarn over,draw yarn through stitch,yarn over,draw yarn through 2 loops on the hook,yarn over,draw yarn through 2 loops on the hook.Repeat the same process untill u reach the end of the foundation chain.

  • To begin the second row, turn your work. Make a chain of 3 for turning.

  •  Skip the 1st double crochet below turning chain.Yarn over,insert the hook from front to back under the top 2 loops of next double crochet in the row below,yarn over,draw yarn through stitch,yarn over,draw the yarn through 2 loops on hook,yarn over,draw yarn through 2 loops on the hook.Repeat this step in each double crochet across and in the top of the turning chain at the end of the row.
  • Wednesday, 13 July 2016

    How to make single crochet


    To make single crochet (sc) the basic thing needed is the foundation chain i.e. a row of chains.

    • For single crochet it requires one more chain than the required .Insert the hook from front to back in the center of the 2nd chain from hook.

    • Now wrap the yarn from back to front, around the hook which is called yarn over. (Yo).
    • Draw the yarn through chain i.e from the 2 loops on the hook. Insert the hook in center of next chain ,yarn through chain i.e. from the loops of on the hook.Repeat the process untill u reach the end of the foundation chain (bottom chain )
    • If u want increase the height of ur project ,i.e to begin the second row,turn ur work, make one chain

    • Don’t count that chain,(it is needed to turn the chain & continue with the next row )insert the hook from front to back under the top 2 loops of the first single crochet in the row below, yarn over, draw yarn through stitch,yarn over,draw yarn through 2 loops on the hook. Repeat the process in each single crochet.

    Tuesday, 12 July 2016

    How to make a chain stitch

    Chain stitch (ch)

    slipknot (sl) is ready on the hook. Now the chain knot begins, wrap the yarn from back to front around the shaft of the hook.Use the hook to pull the yarn through the loop on to the hook.
    Repeat the process of wrapping around the hook and pulling through the loop to form the line of chains, which makes foundation chain.
    Don’t count the slip knot or the loop currently on the hook as a chain stitches count.

    How to make a slip knot

    Slip knot (sl)

    The first step to begin the work is to make a loop on the hook, known as slip knot.
    To begin,the slip knot first we have to slide the hook into the knot, pull the two ends of thread to tighten the knot and form a loop.The second step is to hold the thread.Hold the hook which has been placed through the slip knot in your right hand. Hold the bottom of the knot with your left thumb and index finger.Hold the thread in your left hand so that it runs over the index finger, under the middle finger, over the ring finger and under the pinkie finger. Use the thread between the thumb and index finger to make the crochet stitches. Final step is to yarn over and tighten up the slipknot

    Once the slipknot (sl) is done ,can start up with chains (ch) which is basic line to start any of the crochet patterns

    How to start crochet projects

    To begin, create a swatch to make sure your gauge is correct.

    Chain your foundation row a little looser than the gauge so the bottom of your project will not pucker or pull inward.Carefully follow the written instructions or chart for creating the design.Sooner or later you are going to run out of yarn or thread. It's best to join the new thread at the end of a row for a neater appearance. When you're about to run out of thread, work your last stitch until there are 2 loops left on your hook. Leaving a tail, draw the end of the new yarn through the 2 loops on your hook. Then continue working with the new ball of yarn. With a large-eyed needle, weave in the tails of both balls of yarn to secure. This method is also used when joining a new color of yarn.


           Ch       Chain 
           Sc        Single crochet
           Dc        Double crochet
           Hdc      Half double crochet
           Tr         Tripple crochet
           Sk         Skip..mean to skip the chain which creates a space in the patterns
           St          Stitch
           Yo         Yarn over
           Sl          Slip knot

    A pattern may be worked in rows i.e.back and forth to form a flat piece or in rounds. Whatever way the pattern is to be worked, the very first thing you must do is make a slip knot on your hook.Every project is started with a slip knot.


    Basics of crochet

    Crochet is a method of creating fabric, by using a hook and yarn. Crochet is fun, relaxing and easy to learn. Using this popular needlecraft, you can create beautiful fashion and home décor projects such as tops, hats, ponchos, scarves, doilies, tablecloths and bedspreads, as well as myriad of adorable items just for babies.

    Only two basic supplies are needed to crochet — a hook and a ball of thread or yarn.

    All crochet stitches are a series of yarn overs or wraps of thread around the hook, but once you master the single crochet stitch the rest come easily! While most patterns start with a slip stitch and series of loops called chains, you can even learn to create foundations without a traditional chain. Crochet projects are worked in rows, in which you stitch back and forth, each row on top of the row before, or rounds, in which you work around and around a center ring of chains, creating a geometric shape such as a square, circle, or hexagon. 


    There are two ways to hold the hook.The first method is to hold the hook between your index finger and thumb the way you hold pencil. This method, which uses your wrist, is most often used when working with thread of light-weight yarns.The second method is to hold the hook between your index finger and thumb the way you hold a knife to spread butter or cut meat. This method, which uses your shoulder muscles, is most often used when working with yarn.when you are crocheting with thread of yarn, use the method which is the most comfortable for you. There are no hard and fast rules about which method is correct.
    The hook is generally held in the right hand and wool with left hand as shown. Even left handling can learn to crochet this way or they can reverse the instructions.