Basics of crochet
Crochet is a method of creating fabric, by using a hook and yarn. Crochet is fun, relaxing and easy to learn. Using this popular needlecraft, you can create beautiful fashion and home décor projects such as tops, hats, ponchos, scarves, doilies, tablecloths and bedspreads, as well as myriad of adorable items just for babies.
Only two basic supplies are needed to crochet — a hook and a ball of thread or yarn.
All crochet stitches are a series of yarn overs or wraps of thread around the hook, but once you master the single crochet stitch the rest come easily! While most patterns start with a slip stitch and series of loops called chains, you can even learn to create foundations without a traditional chain. Crochet projects are worked in rows, in which you stitch back and forth, each row on top of the row before, or rounds, in which you work around and around a center ring of chains, creating a geometric shape such as a square, circle, or hexagon.
There are two ways to hold the hook.The first method is to hold the hook between your index finger and thumb the way you hold pencil. This method, which uses your wrist, is most often used when working with thread of light-weight yarns.The second method is to hold the hook between your index finger and thumb the way you hold a knife to spread butter or cut meat. This method, which uses your shoulder muscles, is most often used when working with yarn.when you are crocheting with thread of yarn, use the method which is the most comfortable for you. There are no hard and fast rules about which method is correct.
The hook is generally held in the right hand and wool with left hand as shown. Even left handling can learn to crochet this way or they can reverse the instructions.